Exhibition Curating

The Adventure of SHIBA SAYS


May, 2021 - 2022
at AJ Hotel Hsinchu

與知名 IP 柴語錄合作,以新竹 AJ Hotel 潛艇海洋風格為發想,打造「廢柴的海上探險」遊戲互動展。為了打造遊戲基地般的展覽,我們以船奇島尋寶故事貫穿各展區之遊戲互動,邀請親子搭乘「 AJ 號」扮成小水手、體驗海上生活。



Collaborating with the well-known Taiwanese IP character "Chai's Quotes," we drew inspiration from the submarine ocean theme of Hsinchu's AJ Hotel to create the interactive exhibition "Chai's Seafaring Adventure." To establish an exhibition reminiscent of a gaming base, we wove a treasure hunt story set on Shipwreck Island throughout the interactive game zones. Families were invited to embark on the "AJ Ship," dressing up as little sailors and experiencing life on the high seas.

Aligning with the quirky personalities of the Chai characters and the treasure hunt narrative, we designed a series of games such as role-playing, fishing, kaleidoscope exploration, origami boats, geometric puzzle marine creature collages, and more. Beyond providing entertainment for families, these interactive activities also instilled values like marine life conservation and artistic education. Over the course of the one-year permanent exhibition, we witnessed young audiences expressing creativity and imagination in diverse ways at the gaming base.

It's not just an exhibition; it's a collaborative, gaming hub. For example, the event featured a large magnetic wall depicting an underwater world. Through geometric puzzles, both young and old visitors were encouraged to unleash their creativity and imagination in the "Underwater Transformation" activity, piecing together various sea creatures and monsters to create their own underwater world!

Client 客戶|新竹安捷國際酒店 AJ Hotel Hsinchu

Curator 策展人|陳薇涵 Wei Han Chen