Exhibition Curating

Who Are You? - Art Exhibition for Teenager


June - July, 2022
at 臺北市青少年發展處



"Who are you?" — a playfully phrased question that could be either a challenge from others or a moment of self-doubt. Artist Zhang Yaxiu, through her oil paintings of small fish, observes characters while exploring her own self-image. In the exhibition area titled "His Little Fish," "fashion brands," "celebrities," and "passersby" are whimsically transformed into colorful and vibrant fish. In the "My Little Fish" section, viewers can catch a glimpse of the artist's self-portraits and creative process. The "Your Little Fish" area guides the audience to peel away societal labels and contemplate the ideal image they want to embody in the whimsical world of painting.

Through the artist's vivid and colorful depictions of little fish, we are encouraged to examine the labels and frameworks society imposes on us, exploring the diversity of individuals and roles. The hope is that, after tearing off inappropriate social labels, everyone can swim freely and gracefully like fish.

Client 客戶|臺北市青少年發展處 Taipei City Youth Development Office

Curator 策展人|陳薇涵 Wei Han Chen

Artist 藝術家|張亞琇 Yashow Chang

Design Admin. 設計行政|梁凱翔 Liang Kai Hsiang

Photographer|張亞琇 Yashow Chang

Printer 印刷|千業快速影印社