Event Curating

2023 長榮航空小小空服體驗營
Mini Flight Attendant - EVA AIR

Date  2023.09
Place 長榮航空第一訓練大樓、長榮航太


Assemble! Follow the EVA flight attendants and instructors to learn professional knowledge. In addition to basic deportment training, you also need to challenge meal delivery service and emergency handling of flight safety situations. Together, you will become a confident and professional EVA five-star flight attendant.


Sep, 2023
at 長榮航空第一訓練大樓


執行單位|BBDO 黃禾國際廣告有限公司台灣分公司

活動主持、視覺延伸設計與製作、闖關遊戲設計顧問|橙良創意 QK Studio


2023 長榮航空小小空服體驗營