Design Extension and Production / Event Host

20+ 現在進行未來:台北偶戲館20週年特展 開幕 

Puppetry  Art Center of Taipei 20th Anniversary Exhibition Opening Party

Date  Aug, 2024
Time  13:00-18:00
Place 臺北偶戲館




而台北偶戲館 8 月7日誕生日這天舉辦「20 週年特展」開幕生日派對。

在本次專案中,我們專注於主視覺延伸的設計物製作。延伸設計師 Chou YI 的主視覺設計,突破在於將活動舞台從單次使用的限制中解放出來,設計出能夠長期延續使用的空間場景。


As the Puppetry Art Center of Taipei celebrates its 20th anniversary, we commemorate its transformation from its humble beginnings to its current mature state.

This exhibition is not merely a reflection on the past but a bold glimpse into the future. Like a young person stepping into their twenties, it is filled with vibrant energy, the courage to explore the unknown, and a passion to embrace the world.

On August 7th, Puppetry Art Center of Taipei hosted a “20th Anniversary Special Exhibition” and birthday party to mark this milestone.

For this project, we focused on creating extended design elements based on the main visual design. Building on the work of designer Chou YI, our breakthrough lies in liberating the event stage from its single-use limitation, designing a space that can be utilized over the long term.

Using the concept of “theatrical stage scenery,” we employed honeycomb materials to create a stage structure that is both lightweight and easy to move. This allows for an organically changing stage setup, enabling each performance to showcase a unique appearance.

本次視覺的設計師為 Chou YI ,主視覺使用紅、綠、藍、黃等多種鮮艷的顏色,與流線型圖像交錯重疊,展現 20 週年特展的青春活力和繽紛動感。



舞台、視覺延伸設計製作|橙良創意 QK Studio


